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Fitness Challenge for Seniors

2024 Arizona LeadingAge Fitness Challenge for Seniors

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

8:30 AM to 1:30 PM


Registration Deadline: 

*Info Needed for Registration:

  • Name of Community Wellness Coordinator
  • Names of Athletes for each Event
  • Names of Volunteers attending / participating
  • Number of Spectators attending / participating

Registration Fees

Registration is open to residents from Arizona LeadingAge Provider Member Communities

Community Fee - $475 (includes limit of 19 Athletes)

Individual Participants Fees

    • Athletes ~ $25 per person (if you have more than 19 Athletes allowed)
    • Spectators ~ $25 per person (lunch included)
    • Volunteers - First 2  ARE Free. (Additional volunteers $25 per person - lunch included)
    • Wellness Coordinator (1 per community) - FREE
  • Lunch is provided for all registrants.
  • NO REFUNDS available
  • Registration Deadline: 

Fitness Challenge for Seniors 2024…

The Arizona LeadingAge Fitness Challenge for Seniors is a friendly competition among Arizona LeadingAge community residents ages 65 and over. Each community is limited to 19 athletes.  They must be residents of an Arizona LeadingAge Community.

Enjoy these medal events:
Wii Bowling
Basketball Bounce
Obstacle Course ~ Men & Women
1/2 Mile Walk
 ~ Men 74 & under, Men 75 & over, Women 74 & under, Women 75 & over

 2024 Schedule of Events




8:30 – 9:30 am

Athlete check in

by Wellness Coordinators


9:30 – 10:00 am

Torch Entrance

AZ LeadingAge Welcome

Opening Prayer

Pledge of Allegiance

National Anthem


10:15 – 11:15 am

Round 1 Events:

Obstacle Course

Basketball Bounce


.5 Mile Walk Round One

Wii Bowling Round One




Indoor Track

Skating Rink

11:15 – 11:30 am

Snacks Available 
in the Lobby

11:30 – 12:15 pm

Round 2 Events:

Obstacle Course

Basketball Bounce


.5 Mile Walk Round Two

Wii Bowling Round Two




Indoor Track

Skating Rink

12:15 – 1:00 pm

Box Lunch

Trivia (FUN non-medal)

Skating Rink


   1:00 - 1:30 pm

Closing Ceremony

Medal Presentation

AZ LeadingAge Thank you

Skating Rink


Events Information and Rules

Wii Bowling: Location – Skating Rink
Limit – 3 Athletes from each Community. 3 Winners.

Three TV's will constantly have Wii bowling games going. There will be a fourth TV that will allow the athletes to practice one game before their competition.


  1. Each player will play one whole Wii bowling game on their own.
  2. Distance between TV and player is a minimum of 7 feet away.
  3. One practice round is available for participants on a separate designated TV
  4. In case of a tie, players will play against each other another game and the highest score wins.
  5. Unsportsmanlike conduct is grounds for disqualification.

.5 Mile Walk: Age Groups: 74 and younger, 75 and older Men & Women
Location – Indoor Track
Limit – 6 athletes from each community


  1. This is a "walking" competition – absolutely no running and no motorized assistance. Walkers and canes are allowed. For your safety "NO HEADPHONES ALLOWED."
  2. Running or unsportsmanlike conduct is grounds for disqualification.
  3. 5 walkers will line up at the starting line.
  4. Starting announcement for each group - "On your mark, get set, GO!"
  5. A group of 5 walkers will be sent at a time.
  6. 1 volunteer will be assigned per athlete to keep track of their laps and time.
  7. Stop watch/timer is needed for every volunteer.
  8. Clip board with every participants name (roster) and space to write down start/end time for completing the .5 mile - one copy for each volunteer.

Basketball Bounce:
Location – Gym

Limit – 3 athletes from each community


  • 1 standard size basketball- The standard size of a basketball in the NBA is 29.5 to 29.875 inches (74.93 to 75.88 cm) in circumference.
  • 1 Brute 44 Gallon Trash Can (31.5 in. High/24 in diameter), heavy duty, professional grade

How to play the game-

  1. Standing/sitting line will be 7 feet away from the front of the trash can
  2. The Athlete must bounce the ball one time prior to landing in trash can
  3. Each athlete is allowed 10 bounce opportunities to make a basket
  4. Winner will have the highest number of baskets out of the ten tries.
  5. In case of a tie, each athlete will play again with only 5 attempts for a new score to break the tie

Location - Gym
Limit - Two teams from each community

Layout & Materials:

  • Two corn hole boards will be placed 21ft apart.
  • Two different colored set of bean bags

How to play the game:

  • Each team will alternate pitching bags until each player has pitched all four of his/her bags.
  • The scorer will take score and resume pitching back to the other board.
  • 3 Points for bean bag through the hole and 1 Point for landing on the board.
  • Each team will have 10 total attempts to pitch their bean bags (five each player) If an individual steps over the line, that throw does not count and they will not be able to re-throw that attempt.
  • Winner will have the highest number of holes made out of 10 total attempts
  • In case of a tie, each Athlete will play with only 4 attempts (2 each player) for a new score to break the tie

Obstacle Course: Men & Women
Location – Gym
Limit – 3 athletes per community

A demonstration will be done prior to the start of each round of competition. Athletes navigate a series of challenges while being timed.  Each athlete start time and end time will be recorded by volunteer.  See attached diagram for specifics including:

  1. Station #1
    Lateral Shuttle Run
    Participant must move sideways either Right shuffle or Left shuffle  from DOT 1 (START) to DOT 2, Back to start, then to DOT 3, Back to start then to DOT 4 to exit the station.
    ***Each DOT is 6 feet apart from the other.

  2. Station #2
    10 Sit to Stands
    Beginning from the standing position, gluten must touch the chair 10X to count the sit to stand.

  3. Station #3
    Cone Taps ~ 10X
    If cone falls, the participant picks it back up and starts the count back at 1 until 10 alternation feet taps are completed.
    Cone is 6 1/2 inches high

  4. Station #4 
    Hoop RUN
    Step through 10 hoops without disrupting the hoop or stepping on any of the hoops. Hoops are touching.

  5. Station #5
    Step Ups
    Using a step aerobics bench with 2 risers ~ one on each side (6inch risers) 
    Step up and down 10 times with either foot being the "lead" foot
    1 = up, up, down, down

  6. Station #6
    Ladder Walk ~ use an 8 rung agility ladder
    ONE FOOT in the ladder and balance and clap 3 times, step into the next space and balance and clap 3 times, complete all 9 spaces.
    Start over if your foot touches the floor before the 3 claps are complete
    Start over if you step on any part of the ladder
    Max tries to complete: 3 times

  7. Station #7
    Soccer Ball Kick
    Kick one soccer ball 15 feet away into the net. Only one chance to make it in.

Obstacle Course Video 

Print Obstacle Course info w/Photos of Stations

Arizona LeadingAge is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization. 

3877 N. 7th Street, Ste. 280, Phoenix, Arizona 85014, 602.230.0026

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